G1 DIET PLANWhyG1G1 is more than just a name—it represents a philosophy.The letter "G" stands for "General" or "Gut," symbolizingthat this diet plan is suitable for everyone, regardless oftheir lifestyle or health goals. The gut, being central to ourbody, determines not only our health but also our overallwell-being. However, there’s a deeper significance: G1 ispronounced as "Jeevan," which translates to "life" inSanskrit. "Jiv" (life force or soul) "Aan" (breath)
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavIntroductionProteinCarbohydratesFiberFat and CholesteralVitamins and MineralsGut HealthCircadian RhythmSleepExerciseMeals and MacrosMeal 1 : BreakfastMeal 2 : SnacksMeal 3 : Lunch/DinnerConclusionServicesINDEX
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavINTRODUCTIONProtein40%Carbs30%FAT30%VitaminsMineralsProbioticsFrom today you will have 3 meals and 2snacks a day.Meal guidance: Breakfast, Lunch andDinnerWhatever you choose to eat at these timeshas to be a good balance of Proteins, Fats and Carbs + Vitamins & Minerals + Probiotic FoodsFirst up, letsaddress, what is FatLoss and why most of us needa fat loss program? We often tend to mistake fat loss as weight loss and believethat only those who have visible and excess fat need to loose it.That’s not true. If we aim for a healthy fat percent, (8-20% forwomen and 5-15% for men) you’ll notice that most people needto loose fat and gain muscle (strength). Besides, all the fat in ourbody cannot be seen. A lot of times, excess fat accumulatesinside your body over your organs and you don’t even realiseit.The truth is we all need a fat loss plan that focusses on fatreduction inside out and replacing it with muscle.TIP: Keep in mind, all of these calculations are based upon algorithms formost individuals. However, they cannot factor in every individual variablesuch as NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis), genotypes, hormones,lifestyle factors, hobbies, or nervous system dominance. Therefore, someindividuals may need to add more calories in order to gain weight whileothers will needless to get the scale moving in the right direction. Start with aset number, eat accordingly for a month, check the scale, and then adjust.
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavPROTEINMinimumMaximumMen Women0.000.501.001.502.00How Do i Knowhow much ProteinI needed ?Protein is essential for building and repairing body tissues,supporting muscle and organ growth, and maintaining theimmune system. It is also crucial for producing enzymes andhormones that regulate bodily functions. A diverse intake ofprotein sources like lean meats, dairy, legumes, and nuts ensuresthe body gets all necessary amino acids for optimal function.1.6 to 2 gram per kg of bodyweight ForMenFor Example 60kg Men needs 96 to 120Grams of Protein1.2 to 1.8 gram per kg of bodyweight ForWomenFor Example 60kg Women needs 72 to108 Grams of Protein Protein Need By Gender1.5 Grams/Kg is Good For Anyone Or 1 Gram for 1cm HeightTarget for 20-60 Grams of Protein Per MealFor Example 60kg Person can have 60*1 = 60 GramsPer Meal For Good Protein Sources check G1 Protein GuideTIP
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavCARBOHYDRATESTypes of carbohydratesSugar StarchFiberHow MuchCarbohydratesneeded ?Carbohydrates are key to a balanced diet, serving as the body'sprimary energy source by breaking down into glucose, whichpowers brain and muscle functions. They also promote digestivehealth through fiber-rich foods like whole grains, fruits, andvegetables, regulating bowel movements and controlling bloodsugar levels. Choosing complex carbs from whole foods overrefined sugars is crucial for sustained energy and nutrient intake.In summary, healthy carbohydrates in moderation support dailyenergy needs, digestive health, and overall well-being.Sugar: The simplest carbohydrate, found naturallyin fruits, vegetables, and milk. Types includefructose (fruit sugar), sucrose (table sugar), andlactose (milk sugar). Added sugars are common insweets and sugary drinks.Starch: A complex carbohydrate made of bondedsugar units, occurring naturally in vegetables,grains, and cooked beans.Fiber: Another complex carbohydrate, present infruits, vegetables, whole grains, and cooked beans.Types ofCarbohydratesTIP Carbohydrate choicesAdded sugar, grains, processed carbohydratesFruit, starchy vegetables, legumesNon-starchy vegetables, nuts*, seeds*, full-fat dairy** Depending on carbohydrate intake level targetsAVOIDLIMITEAT FREELY
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavFIBERHow Much Fiberneeded ?It's important to take a balanced approach when incorporatingfiber into your diet. While fiber can help regulate bowelmovements and improve overall gut health, too much or toolittle can lead to discomfort. To optimize fiber intake, focus on avariety of sources such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, andlegumes. This helps ensure you get both soluble and insolublefibers, which play different yet complementary roles in digestivehealth. Mindful eating and listening to your body are key tomaintaining a healthy and happy digestive system.Minimum MaximumMeat & EggsFruitsVegetablesLegumesGrains0510152025It supports your gut flora.Gut flora refers to the microbes, primarily bacteria,that reside in your digestive tract. Experts believethat these microbes can weigh up to 2 kilograms,which is approximately the weight of your brain!While the idea of hosting over a kilogram ofbacteria might seem concerning, there's no needfor alarm—gut flora is essential for your well-being. It plays a vital role in numerous importantprocesses, with the most significant starting duringinfancy.TIP Fiber is essential for gut health, preventing constipation, and supportingheart health. However, consuming too much can cause bloating, gas, anddigestive issues Including Constipation. Aim for 25-30 grams daily and stayhydrated. Include a variety of fruits, *veggies, whole grains, and legumes forbalanced intake.* Fiber Options from the Eat Freely List
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavFAT AND CHOLESTERALHow Much Fatsneeded ?Fat is filling and should make up the remainder of dietary energyafter protein requirements and carbohydrate limitations havebeen met.• During weight loss, part of the energy from fat should comefrom body fat stores (meaning you naturally eat less).• Dietary cholesterol does not increase blood [cholesterol].• Dietary fat may increase blood [cholesterol] in some people(while decreasing [triglycerides] – fats in the blood).• But it doesn’t result in an increased risk of heart disease ordeath.• Possibly due to fewer artery-clogging cholesterol particles andincreased anti-artery-clogging particles.Scientists suspect that a high intake of omega-6 fatty acids,relative to omega-3, may promote several chronic diseases.However, there is still no compelling evidence to support thistheory. More high-quality studies are needed to investigate thepotential health effects of excessive omega-6 fat intakes.If you are concerned, this is a simple guide to optimize yourbalance of the omega fats:Avoid vegetable oils high in omega-6 (and the processedfoods that contain them).1.Eat plenty of omega-3 rich animals, including something fromthe sea at least once or twice a week.2.If needed, supplement with an omega-3 source like fish oil.3.
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavFAT AND CHOLESTERALSaturated FatMonoUnsaturated Fat(An Omega-9 Fatty Acid)Polyunsaturated Fat (Alpha-Linolenic Acid)Linoleic acid (an Omega-6 Fatty Acid)0 20 40 60 80 100Canola oilSalower oilFlaxseed oilSunflower oilCorn oilOlive oilSoybean oilPeanut oilCottonseed oilLardPalm oilButterGheeCoconut oilTIP Depression and anxietyStudies suggest that high doses of omega-3, ranging from 200–2,200 mg perday, can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety In cases of mood and mental disorders, a supplement with higher amounts ofEPA is more likely to have a beneficial effect than one with higher DHA.* Top Fats Ghee, Coconut oil, Butter, Olive oil, Avocado oil, Animal Fats
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavVITAMINS AND MINERALSDo we needSupplements ?Determining if supplements are necessary for a healthy lifestyleisn't straightforward, as it depends on individual diet, health,and nutritional needs. Ideally, nutrients should come from abalanced diet, but some may need supplements to addressdeficiencies. For example, vitamin D is vital for bone health, andindividuals with limited sun exposure may require it. Vegetariansand vegans often need vitamin B12, while pregnant women mayneed folic acid and iron. A BCDE KCalciumSodiumPotassiumChlorideMagnesiumPhosphor…IodineIronZincCopperManganeseSulfurSelenium6 Vitamins13 Essential MineralsTIP Try To Maintain Optimum levels not the minimum levelsFor Example Vitamin D Minimum is 20ng/ml If you have 20 then youare not good, Suggested levels are Between 20ng/ml to 75ng/ml, So Try tomaintainAverage levels always 50-70ng/ml, Iron deficiency is the mostcommon nutritional disorder affecting about 20-25% of the world's population, predominantly children and women Magnesium is one of themost essential minerals to help balance hormones.Most of the Vitamins and Minerals you will get it from Eggs, Organ meat and Bone Broth Include them in your diet
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavGUT HEALTHEvery DiseaseStarts hereGut health is way more crucial than you might imagine! Whatgoes into your belly matters big time. A mountain of research isconnecting the dots between autoimmune problems and our gutbuddies—the microbiome! With a whopping 80 percent of yourimmune system chilling in your gut lining, any microbiome dramacould throw your immune system into a tailspin, potentiallyleading to autoimmune diseases. So, treat your gut like the VIP itis!Issues Arising from GUT Problems
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavGUT HEALTHReduce Antinutrients Food1.Don't eat High Oxalate foods like Spinach, AlmondsCheck list in Mrmadhav.com2.Don't use Antibiotics Unnecessarily 3.Keep your Stomach Acids in Level4.Include Prebiotic ands Probiotic foods in your dietdaily (curd Sauerkraut kefir etc...5.Make a Habit of Fasting 6.Follow Circadian Rhythm7.Check your Vitamins and Minerals8.Increase your Growth Hormone (Strength Training)9.Include Probiotic Foods (Check Telugu Supermoms)10.10 Steps to Maintain Gut HealthTIP GUT is second brain Fix your GUT to fix Your Brain, The intricateconnection between the gut and the brain, often referred to as the gut-brainaxis, plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. By maintaininga healthy gut through a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stressmanagement, you can positively influence your mental clarity, mood, andcognitive function. Incorporating probiotics, fiber-rich foods, and stayinghydrated are simple yet effective ways to support your gut health.Remember, a happy gut often leads to a happy mind, paving the way for amore vibrant and fulfilling life.To delve deeper into the mysteries of gut health, tune in to Mr. Madhav'sYoutube channel.
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavCIRCADIAN RHYTHM Time-RestrictedEating (TRE) The review highlights the importance of following TRE (Time-Restricted Eating) protocols and timing for optimal results,suggesting that TRE can align eating patterns with the body'sbiological clock to improve well-being. It notes that some findTRE easier to follow than traditional calorie-restriction diets. Thereview calls for long-term studies to assess TRE's sustainabilityand health impacts across diverse populations.
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavSLEEPImportance ofSleepA healthy diet alone isn't enough; adequate sleep is crucial,with 7-9 hours recommended based on age. The gutmicrobiome affects health via the brain-gut-microbiomeaxis, and there's growing evidence it can influence sleepquality. Previous studies on sleep deprivation and the gutmicrobiome have shown conflicting results.Minimum Hours Maximum HoursNewborns (0-3 Months)Infants (4-11 Months)Toddlers (1-2 Years)Preschoolers (3-5 Years)SchoolAge Children (6-13 Years)Teenagers (14-17 Years)Adults (18-64 Years)Older Adults (65 Plus))05101520How Many Hours of Sleep do we Need?TIP Blue light blocking glasses and magnesium supplements can enhancesleep quality by reducing evening light exposure and relaxing the nervoussystemMagnesium glycinate is often considered the best choice due to itscalming properties
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavEXERCISEDo we needPhysicalActivity?Engaging in physical activity is essential for strengtheningand maintaining a healthy body. It's important to note thatthere is no direct link between fat loss and exercise, andspot reduction exercises, like those targeting the belly, donot exist. The key to achieving your goals lies in consumingnutrient-rich foods. While I’m not suggesting that exerciseisn’t necessary, we need it to help balance hormones thatmay become imbalanced with age.Cardio Vs Yoga Vs Strength Training ?Calories Burned During ExerciseCalories Burned After Exercise (24-48Hrs)0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200Threadmill 8km/hEllipitical 8km/hStrength Training 1m RestTIP Weight training is more efficient than cardio for muscle development,and muscle tissue burns more calories at rest compared to other tissues,including fat. Therefore, it's often stated that increasing muscle mass isessential for boosting your resting metabolism.Growth Hormone is Key to fix all the Auto immune Diseases and, Withage it goes down, only high intensity Exercises will increase it with bestNutrition dense food
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavMEALS AND MACROSHow Many Mealsand Macros Per Day ?To maintain a balanced diet with the right proportions ofnutrients, consider these tips:Set Clear Goals: Define your health and weight lossobjectives.1.Balanced Breakfast: Start with a mix of protein, healthyfats, and carbs.2.Smart Snacking: Choose healthy snacks to stabilizeenergy levels.3.Portion Control: Use smaller plates to manage portionsizes.4.Hydration: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated andcontrol hunger.5.Lunch and Dinner: Include proteins, vegetables, wholefoods, and healthy fats.6.Meal Prep: Prepare meals in advance to save time andstick to your plan.7.Flexible Dieting: Allow occasional indulgences withinyour dietary goals.8.Consult a Professional: Seek advice from a nutritionist ifneeded.9.Variety and balance are key to a healthy diet, ensuring youreceive all necessary nutrients. Stay committed and adjustas needed for a healthier lifestyle.
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavMEALS AND MACROSTo personalize this, factors like daily activity, metabolism, andlifestyle should be considered for a balanced macronutrient plan.Would you like help in setting up a detailed daily intake plan for thisscenario?ProteinFatsCarbohydratesFormula: 2grams ofprotein per kgof body weight. Calculation: 2 grams × 85kg = 170grams ofprotein perday.Fats can beadjusted basedon the individual'senergy needsand fat lossgoals. Typically,fat intake shouldbe around 30-35% of dailycalories.Carbs should beadjusted based onactivity level andenergy needs. Peopleon a calorie deficitoften lower carbs, butit's essential tobalance carbs to fuelworkouts and avoidfatigue.Numberof mealsProteinFatsCarbs2 Meals85g35g40g3 Meals57g23g27g6 Meals28g12g13gFor instance, a person weighing 85 kg at the age of 35 needsto reduce their weight to 65 kg.ExampleTIP Based on your convenience and goals Choose your number of MealsHow can I determine macros using Mr. Madhav's calculator fromwww.mrmadhav.com
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavMEAL 1 : BREAKFASTOPTIONSPROTEINFATSCARBSFIBEREggs 424g19g1.2g0gPaneer 100g18g20g2g0gSoy 50g26g0.5g16g7gIdli 23.2g.9g24g1.1gDosa 13.9g3.7g29g1gBread Slice 12.6g1g14g0.8gCurd 50g6g4.2g3.4g0gMixed Nuts 5-83g7.5g3g1gWhey Protein 30g25g0.5g2g1gCoconut Chutney - 2tbsp(40g)1.3g4.5g5g1.8gUpma 100g6.5g3.1g38g2.6gChepathi/Roti - 100g3.1g3.7g18g4gMilk 150ml5g5g7g0gBanana1.3g0.4g26g3gApple0.36g0.23g19g3.3gMeal 1 : BreakfastTIP Delay breakfast till 10-11 AM is PossibleStart Cooking with Ghee or/and Coconut oil
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavMEAL 2 : SNACKSOPTIONSPROTEINFATSCARBSFIBERTea with milk & sugar1g1g6g0gTea with milk1g1g2g0gGreen Tea0.5g0g0g0gBlack Coffee0.3g0.1g0g0gSomosa 100g3g17g24g2gBiscuit 60g4.2g9.8g27g0.9gCheese 30g7g9g1g0gPakoda 100g3.3g15g25g1.5gVeg Salad 100g2.2g4.5g15g1.6gVeg Saladwith Pannier/Soy12.2g12g8g1gPan Cake 100g6g10g33g2gPan Cakes with Whey30g10.5g32g2gPeanut Chikki 24g7.8g20g1.4gCake2g12g38g0.2gFruit Bowl0.8g0.3g15g2.5gMeal 2 : SnacksTIP Low Glycemic foods may control sugar levels temporarily but not thepermenet solution, in future they cause lots of other severe healthproblems (Gut issues) due to there antinutrientsI prefer white rice over brown rice and millets
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavMEAL 3 : LUNCH AND DINNEROPTIONSPROTEINFATSCARBSFIBERDal Curry 100g7g2g17g6.5gEgg Curry 2 Eggs15g24g7g3.5gChicken Curry 100g30g6g4g2gFish Curry 100g28g8g4g2gMutton Curry 100g27g11g4g2gAny veg Curry 100g2.6g3.2g12g10gSoy Curry 100g40g4g30g13gPanner Curry 100g18.5g20g5g1.5gTofu 100g10g8g5g2gWhite Rice 100g2.6g0.3g28g0.5gBrown Rice 100g2.6g0.8g23g1.8gMillets 100g3.5g1g22g1.3gChepathi/Roti (80g)3.1g3.7g18g4gPoori 24g8g28g1.7gRajma 100g5g3.5g17g1gMeal 3 : Lunch AND DinnerFinish Dinner 3-4 Hours Before Bed and sleep like a Baby :) TIP Focus on hitting your protein target for each meal—this naturallybalances your intake of fats and carbs
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavCONCLUSIONMy recommendation is to begin incorporating smallchanges as part of your lifestyle. Instill these healthy habitsin your children to prepare them for a nutritious future.Achieving the right amount of protein is possible byreducing processed carbohydrates. Incorporate omega-3-rich saturated fats, such as ghee and coconut oil, as theyare beneficial for heart health. It is essential to balanceyour gut flora by moderating fiber intake, which will helpmaintain healthy stomach acid levels. Don’t always viewsupplements as a form of medication; they can beadvantageous in specific situations, like with vitamin D. Lowstomach acidity can lead to digestive issues, so avoidrelying on outdated scientific concepts. Diet plays a crucialrole in autoimmune diseases, so pay close attention to whatyou eat. The primary factor contributing to autoimmunediseases is leaky gut; therefore, focus on maintaining ahealthy digestive system through careful eating. If followingnatural circadian rhythms is challenging, consider tryingintermittent fasting. I personally sleep for eight hours andpractice intermittent fasting. Engaging in strength trainingis vital for both men and women, as it helps build andsustain muscle mass, allowing for the consumption ofcarbohydrates, which can slow down the aging process.
G1 Diet plan Based on Functional Nutrition Lifestyle Coach Mr MadhavSERVICESWho Can Book For Our ServicesIf you have conditions likeOverweight, Weight loss (Muscle), High Cholesterol, FattyLiver, Kidney Stones, GERD / Acid Reflux, Indigestion /Bloating / Burping / Flatulence, Gastric Ulcers, ChronicConstipation & Hemorrhoids, Intestinal & InflammatoryDisorders, Irritable Bowel Disease, Inflammatory BowelDisease, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO),Large Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (LIBO), SmallIntestinal Fungal Overgrowth (SIFO), Fungal Overgrowth,Candida, Crohn's Disease, Celiac Disease, RheumatoidArthritis, Hormonal Imbalances, Thyroid Disorder, PCOS /PCOD, Endometriosis, Obesity, Autoimmune Disorders,Hashimoto, Graves, Psoriasis, Eczema, Allergies, SkinRashes, Acne, Hair Fall, Hives, Histamine Intolerance,Metabolic Disorders, Type 2 Diabetes, Blood Pressure,Insulin Resistance / Pre-diabetic, Fatty Liver, Gout / HighUric Acid.Your Health, Our Priority+1 236-510-5687www.aivocare.comContact@aivocare.comSurrey BC Canada Book Discovery Call Now